
minted challenge: trim up the tree! holiday ornament cards

Hello there! I hope you had a nice weekend. I've been very busy lately getting ready for the holiday season. I know it's only July, but this year I have decided to be proactive and actually get some new designs created far in advance of the season.

I also decided to give the Minted Challenges another try. It's definitely a tough venue with stiff competition and some intimidating design work, but I'll certainly never have a chance if I don't even enter! So I did. I entered four designs in the Trim Up The Tree! Holiday Ornament Card Challenge. But, I need your help! I would be so grateful and appreciative if you would take a few moments to rate my designs. The links to rate each design are as follows (just click on each image or the link below each image to go to the design page for rating):

Thanks so much! Have a nice week. 

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