
{it's official} summer is over

Hope you had a wonderful Saturday! I know this isn't news to anyone and we usually have some snow on Pike's Peak but today when we were out and about we noticed the peak was covered! Just another reminder that summer really is over. It sure is beautiful though, isn't it?


Nicole said...

It is beautiful indeed! I really hope one day we can come visit you & all the beauty that surrounds you guys up there!

The Spotted Olive said...

It is! That is the view we see once we get out of our neighborhood. You guys are welcome any time!! We'd love to have you. :)

Unknown said...

Those pictures are gorgeous!! I am sad, for the first time in years that Summer is over.

The Spotted Olive said...

Thanks, Elaine! Our summer was really short this year because we had snow through the end of May so I'm not quite ready for it to be over just yet! You can already feel the crispness in the air and the leaves on the trees are already starting to turn plus all the snow we got on the top of the mountain. I guess it's time to embrace Fall! :)