
Today Is National Ice Cream Day!!!

That's right!! Today is officially National Ice Cream Day. It's ok to scream! We all scream for ice cream. In 1984, President Ronald Regan designated the entire month of July as National Ice Cream month with the third Sunday in July being deemed National Ice Cream Day! So go ahead enjoy a cup, a cone, a banana split, milkshake or whatever your heart desires because it's time to celebrate!


Jasmine said...

I featured some Zazzle things on my blog for this day. Believe it or not, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted ice cream today, which he never asks me that.. and I rejected it. I forgot today was ice cream day, and now I feel bad for not eating ice cream! Haha.

The Spotted Olive said...

LOL! The good news is the entire month of July is national ice cream month. Plus you can celebrate ice cream day any day! It's never too late. :)