
{inspriation} enchanted makeovers

I've been working on a project for the Enchanted Makeovers event through The indiExhibit. Enchanted Makeovers is transforming 18 bedrooms and creating a sewing room for the Alternatives For Girls shelter in Southwest Detroit. On August 28th, they will be having a special event called the Stepping Back In Time Dinner & Dance.  The wonderful members from The indiExhibit are contributing products from their indie businesses for gift bags to give to the girls at this event and I am pleased to be providing pinback buttons from The Spotted Olive™. I created three designs each with a different inspirational word or saying on them and I'm really pleased at how they have turned out. And I'm even more excited to be contributing a little something to this wonderful organization.

Enchanted Makeovers is a a non-profit  501 (C) 3 organization that strives to transform the lives of women and children living in shelters by helping them become inspired through creativity and imagination and encouraging them to turn their dreams into reality. Enchanted Makeovers transforms the actual physical shelter space into a peaceful sanctuary that inspires positive changes of it's residents, staff and volunteers. Additionally, Enchanted Makeovers has a number of projects, programs and events to help those living in shelters re-build their lives including inside-out makeovers, gardening, cooking and baking classes, sewing classes, journaling classes and more.

Founder and President of Enchanted Makeovers, Terry Grahl has said that her calling is "to transform shelters into beautiful sanctuaries, uplift the human spirit and empower individuals from all walks of life to pursue their dreams." I believe that is exactly what she is doing.

For more information on Enchanted Makeovers and how you can help, please visit http://www.enchantedmakeovers.org. Below is a video about the Alternatives For Girls Shelter in Southwest Detroit.

For more information on Alternatives For Girls, please visit their website at http://www.alternativesforgirls.org/.

Thank you to all of The Spotted Olive's customers for your wonderful support. We are so grateful to be in a position to contribute something to this event and "pay it forward."

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