
Something Cool: The Operation Nice Blog

I wanted to share something very cool that I discovered recently. It is the Operation Nice blog. It's run by a wonderfully spirited as well as talented young woman named Melissa. She believes that kindness can change the world and has made it her mission to spread the concept of being nice. I wholeheartedly agree with you, Melissa!

We have always prided ourselves on being nice and doing those little random acts of kindness (really just common courtesy, which doesn't seem to be all that common any more) like holding open a door, offering to help someone carry something, waving someone through in traffic and always saying "Please" and "Thank You". These are things we personally do without thought. But, there is so much more we can do and none of it really takes more time or effort than being indifferent. Melissa's blog features "Nice" assignments, sharing "Nice" news, "Nice" testimonials and so much more to inspire you to bring back the spirit of neighborliness and benevolence. Melissa even has giveaways with fabulous prizes for niceness. Be warned, reading some of the posts on this blog may bring a tear to your eye as you begin to realize just how rare thoughtfulness and a random act of kindness can be these days.

Just when you feel like giving up on people, the universe puts something like this in your path so you discover that there still are genuine, kind and caring people out there. The Operation Nice blog has given me a renewed sense of kindness, compassion and thoughtfulness. Thank you Melissa for your brilliant blog and contribution to making the world a much nicer place.

I highly recommend you visit and subscribe to this blog: www.operationnice.com.

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